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General FAQs

Do you have any restrictions on what my child should wear?

Open-toed sandals, crocs, bracelets, necklaces and watches should not be worn. We encourage you to tie back longer length hair. Children with pierced ears should wear studs only.

The children are encouraged to be independent e.g. putting coat on for accessing the outside area, going to the toilet etc so clothes that are easy to manage themselves are preferable. 


T-shirts and sweatshirts with the preschool logo on are available for purchase from Brenda’s school wear and via the preschool. We also have second hand uniform for sale in the preschool for a small donation.

What is free flow?

Free flow means that the children can move around the setting and can choose their own activities either inside or outside. Our setting offers continuous provision, this means that the activities/resources are available all the time.


Adult led activities are also available throughout the session/day and children are encouraged to join in with these activities.


Every child is unique and learns at their own pace so using a key person system allows the staff to get to know each child in their key group and plan an individual learning journey for them.

My child has a cold, can they stay inside today?

As we are a free flow setting, the children always have access the garden therefore we will not stop a child from going outside. If your child is not well enough to go outside then they are not well enough to come into preschool.

Will my child receive a snack at preschool?

We ask that you pack a healthy snack for your child. If your child attends an all-day session, you will need to provide two snacks.

Do you supply hot lunches?

No, we ask that every child that stays for lunch brings a healthy and balanced packed lunch.

Can my child bring a toy into preschool?

We do not advise that children bring any toys into preschool as they may get lost or broken, this then ends in upset for the child. We do accept comforters if a child needs one while they are settling.

We discourage the use of dummies in preschool children as they can cause difficulties with speech and the development of teeth. They can also cause excessive dribbling resulting in sore lips and chin.

Do I need to supply any equipment? 

Please provide spare clothes. We tend to get messy when we are having fun. Please ensure all clothing is clearly labelled. 

Please provide nappies, wipes and cream.

How will we be notified of an unscheduled closure?

An announcement will be posted on the website and Facebook page as soon as a decision is made e.g. in the event of inclement weather. 

What should I do if I have concerns?

St Bernadette’s Bees preschool hopes that you and your child enjoy being members of the pre-school. We operate an open door policy and are always happy to listen to your ideas, views and questions. Alternatively, if you wish to discuss any issue in confidence, we are happy to make an appointment with any member of staff.

Are there any items that my child may not have in their lunchbox?

We are a nut-free setting. We ask that peanut butter and chocolate spread are not put in sandwiches as these contain nuts. We wish to avoid any issues for these with allergens. Please ensure grapes are halved lengthways and mini sausages are halved lengthways to avoid the risk of choking. Please do not include sweets or chocolate bars.  We advise putting a small ice pack into your child’s lunch box.

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